Todd's Journey

The story of my cancer journey


Topics that don't need a category, or don't fit into any other existing category.

Took a spill today

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Took a bit of a spill this morning. While getting ready to head in for an x-ray on my hip and leg region, I reached to grab a pair of shoes, but while doing so, my left leg gave out, and I took a flat fall onto the floor. Pain was quite intense as it did pull quite significantly on my muscle.

After about 20 minutes of resting on the floor, and with the help of Jamie, I was able to get up again, and make my way back to the living room couch to recuperate.

I have to be very careful going forward because the last thing I need is to break something. For now I have to use my available walk aids (cane, walker, etc) in order to safely maintain stability while my leg heals.

We cancelled our trip to Las Vegas in May, as it is highly unlikely my leg will be in sufficient enough shape to manage 5 days in Las Vegas. And we just don't want to travel there, only to have a miserable trip.

We will get back to Vegas at some point, but right now Jamie and I are setting our goals on our 2025 April cruise to Hawaii. Hopefully by then (a year from now) we will be able to enjoy a very happy, successful vacation and honeymoon.

The dreaded Steroid effects

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Well, we expected it to happen. The side effects of the Steroids are now starting to pop up.

My face and mid section is now slightly looking a bit more bloated with water weight. It's not too bad at this point, but may get worse before it gets better.

My blood glucose has shot up to very high levels now, although I have been managing it fairly well at keeping it down with the use of insulin adjustments.

My sleep is slightly more challenging as the Steroids does cause some sleep disruption, I have moved to taking the Steroids first thing in the morning so that is kind of wears off by night time.

All of these side effects are temporary, and will return to normal following the end of the steroid treatment.

For the time being, I can live with the side effects as it's now showing a healing of my kidneys and my creatinine leves are coming down. That's the most important effect from the steroids.

But, I just couldn't avoid the negative effects of the Steroids, no matter how hard I tried. :o)

Had my first immunotherapy session today. Almost made it through the whole session, but unfortunately had a reaction with 8 minutes to go. I began shaking significantly for almost 20 minutes. They managed to get that under control by administering large doses of Benadryl, and a steroid. The shaking did subside and i did finish the remainder of my immunotherapy session with no further incident.

The ER doctor and Pharmacist at the Hospital said the the shaking can be expeccted when my immune system is in 'overdrive' from the therapy drug. They will give me the benadryl and steroid prior to the immuno drug next session in hopes to prevent the shaking from occurring again.

Unfortunately the Benadryl dosing and steroid made me very tired and weak again. I had to leave the hospital in a wheelchair, and when I got home, my legs collapsed just upon entering the house. Jamie helped support me to the floor and then we waiting there for about 5 minutes until I had enough strength in my legs to get and up make it to the couch. My strength returned in the afternoon.

As for the bladder update, I am still urinating very frequently but the time in between needing to urinate is slowly getting longer. The pain in urination is also getting better, with less stinging and burning now. I suspect things are getting better, but it sure is a slow process. The good news is I am peeing on my own, and my urine is quite clear.

That's the update for now. Take care everyone. Talk to you again soon, and I'll try and do a video blog update soon.

Neph tubes gone!

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Procedure went well this morning. The nephrostomy tubes were removed, and stents were inserted. They seem to be working fine so far, and I seem to be slowly getting back to normal urination.

I do have a bit of pain right now but that is irritation caused by the catheter that was temporarily in place.

The pain should get better over the next few days.

Early Christmas Gift

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An early Christmas gift arrived for us today.

Chemo is done for now!

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My final chemo is complete. I received my very last dose of Gemcitabine today, along with the help of my newest best friend, "Annie".

When done, I rang the bell, and had a piece of cake.

I would post the video, but it makes me look too fat, so I am not going to. I know it's all in the eye of the beholder, but I am particular about my cancer weight gain and do not want to post it right now.

The next big step will be the scans (next Wednesday) followed by the results the week after.

Thanks to everyone at the Winchester Cancer Chemo unit, and all my nurses (Andrea, Jackie, Callie and Sarah)

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Todd's Journey - Chapter 12

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Todd's Journey - Chapter 12

Todd's Journey - Chapter 11

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Update to the journey

My support friend for Chemo today

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I had a new support friend today join me for Chemo. Her name was Annie. She was wonderful.!

First full shower in months

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For the first time in five months I actually took a full shower. Up until now I have been having to either sit in a few inches of water and use a wash cloth, or sit on a chair in the bathtub and use a wash cloth to clean. The problem has always been that the dressings that surround my nephrostomy tubes need to be kept dry and cannot get wet.

Today, Jamie wrapped me up like a mummy around my mid-section with Saran Wrap, covering up the dressings on both sides in a water tight seal. That finally allowed me to shower fully in the bathtub.

When I got out, the dressings were all good and dry. So thank God that I finally am able to shower properly.

It still wipes me out a bit, but that's to be expected. And I will limit the full showers to twice a week, and use the Adult Wipes in between.

Another small success on my Journey.