Todd's Journey

The story of my cancer journey

Cycle 3 is worse than Cycle 2

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I was warned before I began chemo that there is a higb probability that with each cycle of chemo, the side effects may become more pronounced or worse. Well, I can legitimitely say that is a true statement.

With this Cycle 3 completed, I do have more fatigue, and much more nausea and actual sickness. Moreso than in previous cycles.

But, I only have one cycle left to go, so I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

I have to give credit to my aunt-in-law Danielle who did warn me that the chemo could get harder with each cycle. She was right. As she is most times.

To celebrate the end of my chemo and hopefully my radiation therapy, Jamie and I bought season tickets to the Ottawa Redblacks for next year. We do like the outdoor event of football, so hopefully we'll be in good shape to attend the games.

Just one more thing that I can look forward to, and helps incentivize me to keep up the fight.