Todd's Journey

The story of my cancer journey

One of many cat naps I take

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Jamie took this picuture of me during on my many cat naps I seem to be taking these days. Greta was on a shift break so Brandon took over at keeping my bladder nice and warm and protected.

My home nurse

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My home nurse keeping my bladder warm, and protecting it. For those of you don't know, this is Greta, my little girl.

Bit of excitement today

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Just a bit of exciting news (for me anyway) today. I actually PEED on my own... LOL As Shanai Twain would say "That don't impress me much", but for me it's a huge piece of good news, and a sign of improvements. So, if you want to laugh at my post, feel free. I am celebrating here.

Chemo - Day 1

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Had my first chemo treatment today. Went well. Am tired, but other than that no serious side effects so far. BUT I am expected to have some hit from the chemo probably starting tomorrow. I will video blog on Monday to let you all know how the first four days went. Love you all, and thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and for following my blog.

Good news finally

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Some great news finally. My medical oncologist has finally given me the green light to start chemotherapy treatments. And I am going to start this Thursday (th3 14th of September). Hopefully we can start the whole process of beating this cancer.

The goal of the chemo this time around is to control the growth and spread of the cancer and to try and make it through to the actual chemo/radiation treaments. I will be going for 4 sessions (total over 12 weeks). Then the plan is to run some scans and see if the cancer is halted or (even better) shrinking. If so, they may try some immunotherapy with me as I get ready for chemo/radiation.

At least we are now ready to start.

I know the next 12 weeks will be rough on me, Jamie and our mental health, but we have to endure and get through it in order to beat this damn disease.

That's the good news update for today. I will try and post a video blog on Monday, but that will be dependent on how much the Chemo sessions wipe me out.

Thanks again for all your support and comments.

Monday, September 11 Update

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Here is my 2nd video update for the week of September 11th, 2023

Up and down week

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Well, has been one week since I was released from hospital after having 2 more bladder resections, and more cancer removed. Thank you to all of you who have written such kind words of support. Many of you have said how you know me as a strong, persistent fighter in everything I do, but Cancer is a whole different opponent for me. I have little to know control over it now, and until I can get into Chemotherapy I am having to cope and let it lead my life right now.

It makes me very tired, and occassionally lets me know it's still there with some strong bouts of pain, but hopefully I will get into therapy soon enough.

I had to learn the hard way this week just how much dignity you can lose fighting a battle with cancer. I was trying to take a bath in 3" of water (since I cannot get my nephrostomy tubes and dressings wet) and I got to a point where I was so weak in my legs that I could not wash my back or behind. I had one hand on the bath wall in front of me, and one holding on to the side of the tub, while on my knees crying. Jamie came in and finished washing me up. I felt so useless and helpless. And really lost my dignity in that moment. I just cried for an hour after that.

As one of Aunt in laws, who is a registered nurse, said "Things are going to get worse for me before they get better". This will be an understanding I will have to have for the next six to eight months.

I am forever grateful to Jamie for his constant support and caring of me. I have no idea what I would do if I did not have him. He watches over me like a hawk, hugs and holds me when I have one of many down moments, and helps me find positives in this dark period of my life.

I will update everyone on Monday with a new video post. Thanks again for all your kind words and support.

Introduction to my journey

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This is the introduction to my battle with bladder cancer. It gives you a quick synopsis of how I got to today. I will share regular weekly updates from this point on. Thank you for your support.